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Date: December 30th 1918
John William Law

Dec 30/18

My Dear Mother.

Another uninteresting week in Hospital has just passed with nothing much to tell you of.

Today I went again to see Aunt Susan who managed to be up and downstairs this time. She is quite a bit better now and almost over her sickness.

Aunt Agnes Weir left for home yesterday. President Wilson arrived in Manchester today on his way up to Carlisle and although a goodly part of the town turned out to see him I was not sufficiently interested, not caring much for crowds.

I hop you all had a Happy Christmas and you managed the elusive turkey. No doubt the letters to Grandpa will be in vogue about now. I remember how I used to start out with "Santa Claus me this and that, etc."

I hope to be seeing them soon for although Ive forfeited my Christmas leave, I understand I will get perhaps another week commencing January 4/19.

I had a letter from Orvil in London. He expects to sail about January 15/19 but am trying to arrange a meeting before then.

I read today Canadians as Cadets with the R.A.F. will be demobilized as Cadets first receiving a credit of $100 for kit. I may still come home looking like an officer, but should I manage my fingers on the actual coin I can assure you it will be used on civilian clothes instead.

Manchester is a dreary hole. This week I went to see the German Submarine and also a show "The Southern Maid" which was exceptionally good. The submarine was interesting but it was such a maze of machinery, handles, wires, meters, etc. I couldn't begin to explain it to you. Alongside was a Mystery Ship looking like any ordinary tramp but having concealed guns, torpedo tubes, bob throwers etc. I did not manage to go on it although I would and did go through the submarine.

My face is entirely better now but am just held here pending my leave. It is much more comfortable than hanging around some Artillery Depot doing nothing, so I am not worrying.

The parcel with the pyjamis, brushes etc arrived this week, being forwarded from Shorncliffe. Thanks very much. I am thinking of buying a suit case now to get along on leave with. I wish it was all over and I was home.

Is the furnace giving you any trouble now? Dalziels have just installed Hot Water heating.

I saw in todays paper "Canada" Bdr. Kirkpatrick 13th Bty the boy who dug me out has returned to England repatriated. His opinion of the huns will be one long curse Im sure.

Well Mother the next time I write will probably be from Scotland.

With kindest love to you all and best wishes for the New Year.

Your affectionate Son


P.S. I read this over and think it must be uninteresting but will try do to better next time.