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Date: July 30th 1918

From: Hastings, Eng.
Tues. 30 July, 1918

Dearest Mother -

As soon as I got here to Hastings, I wrote to the battery giving them my new address and today at noon, I received six letters forwarded from the battery. Four of them were from you, written on June 10, 16, 23 & July 1. One was from Gladys written on June 9 and the sixth contained half a dozen little snaps which I had had taken in London, a couple of which I am enclosing. They were taken at the same place those other little ones were taken at, but are not nearly so good. Those dark looking patches near the shoulders are red, the sign of the first division.

There are five of us in a tent here and one of the fellows wanted to have a picture taken, one of which I have enclosed. We are standing by our tent. The fellow on the left is a Canadian from overseas. The other three are all English fellows who have just signed up.

You probably are anxious to know whether I received the money you sent or not. While in London, I never went to the Bank as I had money enough then and I thought that it would hardly be there yet. Then after I went to Hampstead, I had no chance of being down town in the day time. So, as soon as I got to Hastings, I wrote to the Bank of Commerce telling them that I was expecting some money. I told them that I wished to deposit it with them and as I was out of money here, and there were a few books and things I had to buy, I asked them to send me £2 of it. I hardly thought they would do that tho till they had my signature or something, but about four days later, I received a registered letter from them containing the £2, a cheque to sign, a specimen signature card to fill out, and a note saying they would deposit it for me if I wished. They seem good that way, do they not?

Now, Casey wrote about the same time to the Bank of Montreal about money for him there and has received no reply yet. I see Casey nearly every day. He is in the same Wing, but a different squadron. It is going on two weeks now since I came here. Next Tues. we have another exam to pass from here to another wing where we remain for eight weeks when, if successful, we leave Hastings for some other place altogether.

We had a very elementary exam about a week ago in simple arith., dictation and an essay. Even so, a few failed on it, I believe tho only 50% was needed. They will be sent into the infantry or somewhere. That is one advantage of coming here from France. If we fail at any time, we can always go back to our own unit. and, of course, you need not fear that I have got into something I can't get out of at end of war. There was a choice on the application forms and I applied for a temporary commission in regular army.

Yes, I had money sent out here when I was in England before, twice as you must have known. Most of the first lot and all of the second were never touched and was in the P.O. Savings Bank, you know. I was indeed glad I had money there when I went on leave as, of course, there was practically none coming to me from the Pay Office. But, there was over £12 in the P.O. Bank and so I was alright.

I have seldom felt better then I do right now. The outdoor life & physical training are so good and I enjoy the lectures we are getting in arith., gram. etc. It seems like school again. Hope you are alright again. Was so sorry to hear of Harold's finger. I enjoyed Gladys' letter. Love to all.
Yours sincerely,

Original Scans

Original Scans