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Date: February 2nd 1918

From: France
2 Feb. 1918

Dearest Mother -

On Jan. 30, I received your very interesting letter of Dec. 30. I had been waiting eagerly for that letter because I thought that I would be able to find out from it whether you had received my cablegram alright. and I was not mistaken. My friend in Paris sent his out Dec. 24 and I would have sent mine then too but I hesitated for one reason. Then, later I thought I would, so it was the afternoon of Dec. 26 about 6 p.m. when I finally sent it. You are right, they cost quite a bit. The one my friend sent cost him 15 francs. The one I sent only had a word or two more in it, but cost 20 francs. You see, I wished to let you know that I had New Years as well as Xmas in Paris so you would know where I would be for a few days to come but evidently my cable did not go thru quite as I sent it and you did not understand what I wanted you to. As near as I can remember, this is what I had - "Xmas and New Year's in Paris - Greetings", or as Paris comes first in what you got, it may have been this - "In Paris for Xmas & New Year's - Greetings". But I am almost sure the first is the way I had it.

We only get a part of our pay out here - we are paid twice a month and the balance is kept to our credit. I had a larger balance that I thought I had and so was able to have a real good time - not extravagant you understand - without stinting myself. Maybe I spent money where I wouldn't have spent it before the war, but you, I think, can understand one's desire to make the most of a holiday from such a life as this, when they come so seldom.

The reason I hesitated about sending cablegram was this. I know that telegrams or cables usually bring bad news and one comes to associate them with bad news and I feared that before you knew its contents, you might dread to open it, etc. Was it phoned to you from Mallorytown? I thought after I sent it that a good way to have done, would have been to have sent it to Aunt Bertha to tell you but apparently my fears were groundless.

The weather keeps remarkably bright and clear for this time of year. It is not so very cold nor has it rained lately. There is frost at nights which usually melts in daytime so there is plenty of mud on ground. I am feeling real well. The position is not so bad and we are not working too hard.

Was very much interested in Arthur's little note. I like very much to get those little enclosures now and then. I am glad Harold's eyes are not so bad as you feared. So you saw the Queen's buildings and 16 Division. Hope you got that other letter I sent in a closed envelope with the pictures in it. There was also a group picture sent to you from the Y.M.C.A. in Paris which you should have now.

Remember me to Aunt Bertha & Uncle Jim (F.). He and Eli & Ira will be pleased to know how I voted, will they not? All sorts of love to all of you.
Yours affectionately,

Original Scans

Original Scans